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Nuclear treaty signed


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"LOL @ OBAMA I mean what has he REALLY DONE AS PRESIDENT....ABSOLUTELY NOTH... wait wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut????!!!"













...its going to be interesting to watch how republicans try and play this down. Better yet how they will try and say that the "American People" dont want less nukes in the world lol.


Actually too late THEY ALREADY HAVE. This dumby is actually saying that its a DEMOCRATIC/LEFTIST IDEA to get rid of nukes.


"[F]or the eight years I was president, I never let my dream of a nuclear-free world fade from my mind." - Ronald Reagan


Poor Ronald must be rolling over in his grave knowing know that hes a leftist Democrat.




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"[F]or the eight years I was president, I never let my dream of a nuclear-free world (except the USA) fade from my mind." - Ronald Reagan




Whats pathetic is that most (not all) republicans are so idiotic, illiterate, racist, or just too damn partisan to see that Obama is doing what is best for this country ATM.


...he can even take good republican ideas, from Lincoln to Reagan, and use them even if he is a Democrat.



...on the other side of the aisle though.... s32.gif


The Nuclear treaty says that the USA can opt out if the USA has major biological attack mounted against it. But Fox and Friends and Dick Morris literally LIES about what the treaty actually says.


For a humorous account of the whole situation CLICK HERE for a accurate but funny Daily Show fact check.


Sometimes I wish these Extremist Anti-Obama guys would just stop flinging *crap* at the wall to see what sticks, and just say what they really feel; "We dont like the black guy as president."


...because if they will even go so far as to call a 100% Cold War Era Reagan'esque idea "Socialist/Anti-American" just because Obama likes it, there has to be something other than policy that is pissing them off. s12.gif

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